David Rothenberg & Flint Arrow Exposed Video

Join us as we delve into the unsettling story of a Texas family whose dream of building a custom home turned into a financial and emotional nightmare, all thanks to David Rothenberg and his company Flint Arrow LLC. In this eye-opening video, we uncover the truth behind Rothenberg's practices.

UPDATE: David Rothenberg Sued for Alleged Construction Fraud Scheme Lawsuit Here.

UPDATE: Rothenberg Allegedly Made Legally Blind Couple Pay Extra & Failed to Pay His Suppliers. Read Angela's Story Here.

BREAKING UPDATE: David Rothenberg's brother, Michael Rothenberg, is convicted of fraud, ordered to pay over $31 million and faces up to 60 years in prison. Read Coverage Here.

Witness firsthand the consequences of Rothenberg's shoddy work, financial deceit, and blatant disregard for legal requirements. From the initial charming sales pitch to the shocking discovery of misappropriated funds and the battle for justice, this is a cautionary tale for anyone venturing into the world of custom home construction. We delve into the specifics of how Rothenberg violated the contract terms, evaded legal obligations, and left a family in turmoil with a half-finished, defect-ridden home. Our story is not just about loss; it's a mission to educate and protect others from falling victim to predatory practices in the housing industry. Stay tuned as we navigate through this complex web of deception, and learn how to safeguard your own home-building dreams from such devastating exploitation.

Breaking News: David Rothenberg's brother, Michael Rothenberg, has been convicted on 21 counts, including bank fraud, false statements, four counts of money laundering and 15 counts of wire fraud. Read the Full Story Here.